Build the management system of a Performance plan of a Rail maintenance operator and implement its industrial levers

One of the most complex European rail infrastructure launched its operational performance


  • Structuring of the first Performance plan for a major rail infrastructure operator
  • Identify the true industrial performance levers
  • Onboard all the teams, from top management to field ops


  • Definition of the whole governance and processes in a co-built “book”
  • Segmentation of the performance programs
  • List of the 10 industrial levers for the operational performance program
  • Building of many of the levers declined by action plans


  • Useful and actionable plan for everyone
  • Better understanding of the objectives and better ownership
  • Simplified process
  • Lower reporting burdens
  • User is placed at the heart of the approach, at the level of Salesforce up to the level of Com. financial
  • Positive change processes

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