100-360! IDPSM Program

Design and implement an integrated dynamic operational production system.

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IDPSM is based on pragmatic gap management methodologies and the development of a culture of operational excellence.

The philosophy and the pragmatism of our model, combined with the multiple experience of our organization for many years allow us to:

Deploy the project architecture that best suits your needs, your corporate culture and your capacity for on-site installation « boots in the ground ». This approach is based on our experience in designing and deploying Integrated Management Systems (all activities combined)

Include, from the start, the creation and provision of a Diagnostic Toolbox as well as the training of your staff all along the designing and installation phase.

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Our approach is based on 4 pillars:

An iterative and « drumbeat » phased approach, aligned with your culture.

A dedicated experienced team, based on many years of knowledge.

A full transfer of our know-how, to provide a quick and sustainable deployment.

Our 100 – 360! Methodology, to secure a tangible, swift and measurable Return on Investment – R.O.I.

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